The most frequently asked questions and answers about

Below we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
If your question is not on our list, please feel free to contact us directly here .
We will help you as quickly as possible and will be happy to list the question here for other users.

You can ask a public question under each entry (your email address will not be published and only the first letter of your last name will be shown). The entry operator himself or a friend who has already had contact with the entry operator can then answer the question (also publicly). In this way you will also help other visitors to the entry! If you would like to contact the entry operator directly or would prefer not to ask a public question, then contact the entry operator directly using the respective contact form on their profile (entry). Send a non-binding inquiry

Nothing! Creating a basic entry or contacting an entry operator as a visitor is completely free. There are no fees or commissions. We finance ourselves exclusively through premium entries. As soon as your email address has been verified (this process is automatic when you confirm the email from, you can set up and use your entry with all the functions of a basic entry (your Manage entries, post images, create properties, insert a personal description and be contacted. Basic entries are shown in all search pages (depending on the selected property, location), depending on the points achieved (exact explanation: see points and ranking) above/below . To significantly increase your visibility and presence and thus the frequency of contact requests, you can book the premium functions at any time (read the advantages in the premium product description under “Book Premium”). If you have any concerns about subscriptions in general, book Premium “Current” first to try it out (exact description under Book Premium). Duration 1 month and after that your entry will automatically become a basic entry again. - No cancellation necessary! And if you're worried about falling into a “subscription trap” when it comes to subscriptions, I can reassure you. After the booked 6 or 12 months (depending on the premium model), the booking will be automatically extended without you canceling it, but from this point on (after the 6 or 12 months) you can cancel your premium booking at any time until the end of the month! (see also Premium Terms and Conditions for Premium entries).

This is completely individual and depends on the type of activity, the performance and the time and remuneration that have been agreed upon. Because that's what you decide between yourselves!! only serves as a bulletin board to network providers and searchers so that you can pay attention to each other and communicate with each other. is therefore a “bulletin board” on the Internet. We don't get any commission! (see general terms and conditions). You can either help and meet each other free of charge, agree on payment between each other (see terms and conditions) or support each other (reciprocation), this is your own decision and the exact agreements must be made outside the portal (via telephone, email, Letter or in person, see General Terms and Conditions). In the portal you can choose between free, paid and consideration under the “Remuneration” properties, so visitors know roughly in which direction the offer or search is heading. Tip: Agree on the details in advance (before the activity or at the beginning of the meeting) so that there are no misunderstandings! It is absolutely okay to get paid for your work, performance and time. In every service industry you pay a reasonable hourly wage for friendly help, support and work performed (“time is also valuable”) and therefore everyone should be aware of this and value and appreciate the services accordingly, no matter what they are. Of course, other deals can also be negotiated, such as buying the other person a coffee or a meal, paying the train ticket or petrol costs, covering the entrance fee and popcorn for the cinema, giving apples or other fruit and vegetables from the next harvest, etc.... Another variant would be to exchange ideas with “reciprocation”, as mentioned above, i.e. helping each other or providing company. A skilled person may find it easy to repair, build, or assemble something, but may find it difficult to set up a website or do the accounting. Another loves working in the garden (maybe he doesn't have one himself) and offers to pull weeds, plant a vegetable patch and trim the hedge. In return, someone will help him/her with rearranging, furnishing, sorting out the apartment, etc... Or an older person would be happy about company, entertainment and help with shopping every now and then, but the student, for example, is allowed a room to study from time to time use it because there is too much hustle and bustle in his/her shared apartment or let him/her live with you at all. Of course, all of these are just examples and should only stimulate thought! What you agree on or negotiate with each other remains your own responsibility. You have to check the associated legal situation yourself, the existence of possible income tax and social security obligations and find out about any insurance that may be necessary. We are not allowed to give legal advice, and there are different regulations in every country and city. Tip: The responsible tax office, your tax advisor or insurance advisor will certainly be happy to advise and inform you. Possible allowances? When does tax return start? How does registering as a small business or company work? What requirements do you have to count as a freelancer? Which insurances are possible and which are mandatory?

In order for you to be able to create an entry, you must first enter a name (nickname/nickname) under “enter for free” (this will then also be shown in the profile, but you can change it in your profile management). In addition, you will be asked for contact information: first name, last name, email address (these will “not” be displayed publicly in your entry and are used for communication between you and the portal and to verify your email address). After you have done so If you have read the general terms and conditions and data protection declarations and sent them to us with the confirmation “Add a friend”, you will automatically receive an email from us, which you should confirm again so that the email address is verified. And you can get started. Enter a password of your choice and you can start setting up your entry. Important: You “do not” have to provide your full name, exact address or telephone number! A nickname is enough. It is more than understandable that such contact details should not always be shown publicly and are only passed on to individual people after contacting them via the contact form (it is not public). But: In order for you to be found in your country, region or town and displayed on the map, it is important or useful (also for ranking with points) to enter the country and town/city/district! When setting up your entry, please don’t forget to enter your email address under “Contact” (it will “not” be shown publicly)! Otherwise, visitors will not be able to write to you using the contact form. The more detailed and precise you select your categories and characteristics and the more you describe yourself and your concerns under “general information” in the description, the easier it will be for you to be found and for others to become aware of your entry. You don't have to post a picture, but it looks much more appealing and serious if you do. Take your time when making your selection (although you can of course delete it at any time and replace it with another one). A visually appealing, beautiful photo greatly increases the chances of being contacted! This is completely individual and depends on the type of activity, the performance and the time and remuneration that have been agreed upon. Because that's what you decide between yourselves!! only serves as a bulletin board to network providers and searchers so that you can pay attention to each other and communicate with each other. is therefore a “bulletin board” on the Internet. We don't get any commission! (see general terms and conditions). You can either help and meet each other free of charge, agree on payment between each other (see terms and conditions) or support each other (compensation), this is your own decision and the exact agreements must be made outside the portal (via telephone, email, Letter or in person, see General Terms and Conditions). In the portal you can choose between free, paid and consideration under the “Remuneration” properties, so visitors know roughly in which direction the offer or search is heading. Tip: Agree on the details in advance (before the activity or at the beginning of the meeting) so that there are no misunderstandings! It is absolutely okay to be paid for your work, performance and time. In every service industry you pay a reasonable hourly wage for friendly help, support and work performed (“time is also valuable”) and therefore everyone should be aware of this Appreciate and honor the achievements accordingly, no matter what they are. Of course, other deals can also be negotiated, such as buying the other person a coffee or a meal, paying the train ticket or petrol costs, covering the entrance fee and popcorn for the cinema, giving apples or other fruit and vegetables from the next harvest, etc.... Another variant would be to exchange ideas with “reciprocation”, as mentioned above, i.e. helping each other or providing company. A person with a gift for craftsmanship may find it very easy to repair, build or assemble something, but find it difficult to set up a website or do the accounting. Another loves working in the garden (maybe he doesn't have one himself) and offers to pull weeds, plant a vegetable patch and trim the hedge. To do this, someone helps him/her with rearranging, furnishing, sorting out the apartment, etc. and so two different people with different strengths can help each other out. "One hand washes the other." Or an older person would be happy about company, entertainment and help with shopping from time to time, but the student, for example, is allowed to use a room to study from time to time because there is too much hustle and bustle in their shared apartment is or lets him/her live with you at all. Of course, all of these are just examples and should only stimulate thought! What you agree on or negotiate with each other remains your own responsibility. You have to check the associated legal situation yourself, the existence of a minimum wage and possible income tax and social security obligations and find out about any necessary/mandatory insurance. We are not allowed to give legal advice, and there are different regulations in every country and city. Tip: The responsible tax office, trade office, your tax advisor or insurance advisor will certainly be happy to advise and inform you. A permanent position on a mini-job basis? Or self-employed/company? Possible allowances? When does tax return start? How does registering as a small business or business work? Under what conditions do you count as a freelancer? Which insurances are possible and which are mandatory?

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to check the content of the entries or the entry operators, including visitors to the portal. On the one hand, this is due to the effort involved in checking, but above all due to the legal aspect, because of the “bulletin board” function of the portal, which does not allow us to have any influence on the entries, as this would mean us making the information our own (see also Terms and Conditions). Contact is made via an anonymous form within our system, so your personal data is anonymous and you alone decide which data you give out to whom. However, since the email address is verified in order to be able to create an entry with us, there is no absolute anonymity towards us and this makes it more difficult for possible misuse! All premium entries are paid, so we have even more information about the person's identity and it is also an indication of seriousness. If we are made aware of any misuse of the entry about sexual services or criminal offenses, these will be immediately deleted from the portal! Therefore: Please let us know immediately if you notice anything! We are very grateful for your help! All data is of course treated anonymously for data protection reasons, but in the event of an investigation into a criminal who has become conspicuous on the portal, the stored data will be handed over to the public prosecutor's office. Tip: Don't give out too much information about yourself until you have first established an initial relationship of trust via our contact form and then via e-mail or telephone, for example. Better be too careful! For your first meetings to get to know each other, it is best to choose neutral ground in public places with public access. Reliability ratings give us a feeling of security and they build trust, which is how it should be. But please don't take any risks. If possible, let someone know that you are meeting a stranger. Of course, this is also recommended if you go to a stranger to test work/help. Security apps such as WayGuard from AXA can be helpful (you can find more information on the website, they give us a certain feeling of security. Don't be afraid to ask for a photo of the person holding up or holding their ID/passport (via email or having their ID shown in person) before you let someone into your apartment/house. If someone has nothing to hide and can therefore gain your trust, this shouldn't be a problem.


Do you have any questions about the portal that have not yet been answered here? Or have you discovered an entry that contains sexual services or content that is prohibited by law? Or do you have suggestions for the portal? Please do not hesitate to write us a message using our contact form or by email We will take care of your request as quickly as possible.